Three Surefire Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

Let’s address the elephant in the room that almost every freelancer faces at some point or another: imposter syndrome. Whether you’ve been in business for a minute or you’re just starting out, imposter syndrome is one of those mindset issues that can wreak havoc on your confidence and your work.
To beat it, most people try to pretend everything is fine, AKA “fake it till you make it.” Unfortunately, this often makes the issue worse – especially as you continue to grow in your career – and can compromise your future earnings.
The good news? There are legit ways to overcome imposter syndrome for good. The key to beating it is making sure you know your stuff and being confident about what you know. Here are a few proven strategies to get you started:
Get the Right Education & Training
The saying, “proper preparation prevents piss poor performance,” couldn’t be truer. When you educate yourself on your clients, your industry and your discipline, you’ll stop feeling like a fraud because you’ll have the information you need to deliver your best.
Figure out what’s necessary to succeed in your field and pick up additional training to hone your skills. After all, knowledge IS power.
Get the Right Network
You can go far on your own, but you can get further faster with community. As a freelancer, things can get lonely. Find communities where you can network with and talk to other freelancers just like you.
You’ll find that you aren’t alone with feelings of imposter syndrome. Connecting with a supportive group of other entrepreneurs can help you overcome insecurities and fear of not being good enough. They can even give you a different perspective or tips on how to improve.
Get the Right Certifications
Another way to instantly boost your confidence and kick imposter syndrome to the curb is to obtain a professional certification.
These certifications generally require rigorous training and testing and are usually industry-accepted. It’s an excellent way to show potential clients that you have the chops needed to get the job done (which is usually our biggest fear when it comes to imposter syndrome).
Ready to get the know-how you need to beat imposter syndrome and confidently build the business of your dreams? Then don’t miss our brand-new FREE workshop on how to expand your freelance business as a virtual assistant. Seats are limited, so sign up and secure your spot now