How to Deal with Rejection as a Freelancer
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How to Deal with Rejection as a Freelancer

As a freelancer, rejection is inevitable. Whether you are pitching for jobs or submitting articles for publication, chances are you will receive a “no thank you” from time to time. This can be discouraging and demoralizing; after all, no one likes to feel like their work isn’t good enough. However, it doesn’t have to be the end of the world -- there are ways to handle rejection that can help you stay motivated and make sure your career continues on track.

Understand Rejection Is Part of the Job

The first step in dealing with rejection is accepting that it is part of freelancing. Rejection doesn’t mean your work isn’t valuable or that you are not talented; it just means that a particular project didn’t fit what a client was looking for. There could be any number of reasons why your submission wasn’t accepted, so don’t take it personally. Understanding this can help take some of the stings out of being rejected and make it easier to move on and find other opportunities without feeling too discouraged.

Get Feedback

When you receive a rejection, try to get feedback from the client if possible. This will give insight into what wasn’t quite up to snuff and allow you to approach similar projects in the future better prepared and more likely to be accepted next time around. You may also gain valuable insight even if the feedback doesn't seem particularly helpful — use it as an opportunity to identify areas where your skills may need improvement or decide whether certain types of projects aren't suited to your particular strengths.

Take Time Off

Don't try to force yourself back into productivity right away when dealing with rejection; instead, give yourself a break before getting back on track. Take some time out for rest or relaxation; this will help clear your head and give you some space from the situation before diving back into work mode again. A little downtime can also offer perspective on rejection which can then make it easier to think about how best to use the opportunity to grow as a freelancer rather than wallowing in negative feelings about being rejected.

Focus on What Can Control

When facing rejection, focus on what you still have control over: namely marketing yourself and finding new sources of income through other channels, refining existing pitches or proposals, reshaping older ideas into something fresh, networking with potential clients more frequently, and so forth... By refocusing energy onto tasks that could produce results — like revising an outdated portfolio website or creating a more comprehensive presentation packet — even if they don't land immediately they will eventually lead something fruitful down line road worth pursuing further when an opportunity presents itself again down line sometime down line somewhere soon either directly or indirectly one way or another probably eventually anyway depending how things turn out in end...

Stay Positive

Rejection can be a tough pill to swallow, especially for freelancers who are used to the fast-paced world of project completion and the immediate gratification that comes with it. However, it's necessary to stay positive in order to keep making progress in your career. Take time to reflect on what you could have done differently and learn from your mistakes. Find ways to connect with other freelancers so you don't feel alone and can gain insight into how they cope with rejection too. Working on yourself through meditation, journaling, and developing healthier coping patterns will help you deal with the difficult emotions that come with being rejected.

No matter how discouraging rejection can be, it is often a necessary part of the freelancing process. It can be helpful to remember that rejection isn't necessarily a statement of your talents or capabilities; instead, it could just mean that a particular project wasn't the right fit for what a client was looking for. Although rejections can be difficult to deal with, by taking time to reflect on mistakes and focus on aspects that are within your control, you can find ways to stay motivated and make progress in your career. Rejection can be a difficult experience to face, and it is natural to feel discouraged and frustrated in the wake of rejection. However, with resilience and dedication, freelancers can use rejections as an opportunity for growth. It is essential to stay positive, take time to reflect on mistakes, connect with other freelancers, and focus on the aspects that are within your control. Through this process, you will find ways to make progress in your career despite facing rejections.

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